My heart becomes cold and beat low when I see charming people committing suicide. Do you know that 3 very young students dead in 6 weeks in AP due to a social evil – “RAGGING” .
First lets see who they are and their suicide notes:
A first year student of CMR Engineering college in Hyderabad was found dead this morning on the railway tracks in Kazipet, Warangal district. A note has reportedly been left by Sainath Vadlakonda, blaming ragging by seniors.
His Suicide note:
- Sunitha, jumped off her college building in Guntur district. Her death was also blamed on ragging. This case is different , she was in final year and was involved in ragging and feared that she may be arrested or suspended from college.
Rishikeshwari Suicide Note:
What is the reason?
“Ragging” is a social evil and is the reason for sufferings of many from many years. ragging is the act made in the name of fun, pleasure, love, bullying etc. at the cost of someone’s suffering.
Who is responsible?
Who are suffering?
Every year thousands are being suffered from this and few ending their lives. This just not end their lives but also burns and pains the lifes of the people around them like parents, friends etc.
What should we do?
We have to educate the newly college joiners to share their problems with parents, friends and to police.
We have to conduct the inspiration / support classes to both juniors and seniors dicussing about this social evil and not to repeat such. This should be done atleast at the beginning of the academics
Parents should monitor their newly joined children regularly and be friendly to listen their problems and act immediately.
Colleges has to bring strict rules(not on papers or words) and take immediate actions.
Teachers can take a big part in controlling such an incidents. They should be more friendly and get to know the condition of freshers everyday. if something is about to start then teachers/lecturers will definitely know it but they always overlook it thinking its not related to us. If you are teacher then you can help some student someday to get support to stop committing suicide and to live.
Government should pass serious law against ragging and should take immediate action so that new joinees are confident enough and seniors restrict themselves.
Police should be friendly and assure them that they are in safe hands and should respond immediately to any such issues.
Seniors should support juniors and monitor/check themselves whether such situation is in their group.
New students be together. Checkout all your friends if any of them is suffering then act immediately before you are late.
Collectively we can kill this evil.
Talk to any of the parents/friends who lost their child/friend due to ragging then you will decide what to do.
People who commit suicide just need support for that moment to be strong. Be that support and they will live and stop committing suicide.
Only teaching , awareness and incidents will bring change in such a social evil.
Please share and write your comments to generate awareness.